Out With Doubt 05: Predictive Prophecy and the Bible

Apologetics Press / World Video Bible School

Our special thanks to Apologetics Press and World Video Bible School for making this resource available.

August 21, 2021

For centuries, people have been fascinated with Michel de Nostradamus’ writing, claiming he foretold future events. People understand that accurately predicting the future is above mere human ability. However unlike Nostradamus’ writings, there is a book that truly predicted the future hundreds of years before the events happened and was accurate in every minute detail. That book is the Bible. Join Kyle Butt in this lesson as he presents Biblical and secular evidence proving the Bible’s inerrancy.

We encourage you to visit the Apologetics Press website for more excellent resources to help you on your faith journey.

We encourage you to visit the World Video Bible School website for more excellent resources to help you on your faith journey.

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